Do you put things off? Do you wait until the very last minute to do that task you’ve had weeks to prepare for? Do you wait until the last minute to get ready to go somewhere? It’s called procrastination. Have you ever thought of procrastination as a sin? Well, I’m afraid that we don’t have to look very hard in the New Testament before we find several examples of those who put things off until it was too late.
For example, look at the rich man in the story that Jesus told in Luke 16:19-21. He lived the good life and perhaps thought he would someday straighten up and serve God. But we see from the story that his life ended before he got around to it and from the place of torment, he begged that Lazarus could warn his kinfolk. But it was too late. Paul stood before Governor Felix and taught him about Jesus Christ. Take a look at the governor’s hesitation, “Now as he reasoned about righteousness, self-control, and the judgment to come, Felix was afraid and answered, “Go away for now; when I have a convenient time I will call for you.” Acts 24:25. (NJKV) As far as we know, Felix never obeyed the gospel. What about the story of the five foolish virgins that Jesus told in Matthew 25:1-13? They only prepared themselves partially, taking only a minimal amount of oil for their lamps. But then, when the bridegroom came, they tried to get ready at the last minute but it was too late. The door was shut and they were left in the darkness. If we procrastinate when doing God’s will, we may wind up in the darkness too. Are there things you’ve been putting off?
• Have we been putting off starting that daily bible reading plan?
• Have we been putting off improving our church attendance?
• Have we been putting off checking on those who have missed worship?
• Have we been putting off forgiving that person that hurt us so terribly?
• Have we been putting off suggesting a bible study with our neighbor?
• Have we been putting off dedicating our lives fully to the Lord’s service?
Don’t put off until tomorrow what you can do today in the service of the Lord!
“Behold, NOW is the accepted time; behold, NOW is the day of salvation.” (2 Cor. 6:2) (NKJV)